This Show Is My Business. 2008
HD – 15.50 min - color, sound, loop.
Installation view, Contemporary Image Collective, Cairo, 2010.
"This Show is my Business is a single channel video that borrows from the classical genre of portraiture in its frontal figurative presentation of a heroic protagonist, and from the contemporary form of the media interview of a celebrity. In a public projection of an intimate encounter with a stranger, it forms a candid yet guarded exploration of gender, profession and ethnic questions, and an artist’s quest for portraying another artist. Khaled takes an interest in oriental-dance performers as artists confronting issues related to gender identity and notions of cultural ‘authenticity’ in a field located outside the boundaries typically claimed by contemporary art. The project takes as its point of departure Khaled’s accidental discovery of Khaled Mahmoud, a popular London-based oriental dancer born in Cairo, who the artist found after trying to ‘google’ his own name." Aleya Hamza